Medication Disposal

Expired Medications

Leaving expired medications in your medicine cabinet can be unsafe. This is true for not only prescription medication, but also over the counter medications (OTC’s) and natural health products. You or a family member may inadvertently take expired or unused health products.
Please don’t throw old medications out in your garbage or flush them down the toilet. Many medications are considered hazardous waste and can affect our fragile environment and human health. In Canada, traces of pharmaceuticals are found in our soil and in the water.
Sprintscripts can dispose of these medications for you. Please contact us for instructions. However; what may be more convenient, is that Sprint Scripts as well as many other pharmacies participate in a free disposal program through the Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA). The HPSA has a vision “to build a healthier and safer environment together” and they provide a user friendly map so you can find a location near you to dispose of your expired medications. You can rest assured that the service is free and environmentally friendly.
Here’s what you need to know:
If you can, remove or black out any personal information.
Leave all liquids and creams in their original packaging.
Remove all pills, capsules, tablets, etc from their packaging and/or containers and place it in a small paper bag (we can mail you one if you don’t have one)
Take your medication to the HPSA registered pharmacy near you or contact us for assistance.