Our Online Pharmacy Services

Fill New Prescriptions, Get Refills, or Transfer your Rx


Taking medications as prescribed is very important. It is surprisingly difficult for people of all ages to keep track of medication regiments. It is particularly difficult if there are memory issues involved. Fortunately, there are many low and high tech medication reminder systems.

Many of Canada’s elders and seniors take multiple prescriptions per day. Those suffering from chronic illnesses can take up to twenty medications. For seniors who are aging at home they need to be aware of:

  • dosage time and amount
  • potential intereactions with other medications
  • special instructions
  • side effects

A missed or improper dosage of just one medication can have detrimental and serious effects on an elderly loved one’s health.

Use a Smart Dispensing Solution

Sprintscripts is on the leading edge of medication reminder and adherence solutions and offer a number of smart dispensing options for our customers. Imagine a blister pack that notifies you or your caregiver by text if you do not take those medications as scheduled. Well, it’s possible, and we have that technology available for our customers. Also, you or your caregiver could opt for a countertop dispensing unit that has a notification signal to advise you that it’s time to take your medication, then dispense those medications to you. We also have strip dispensing where every dosage is packaged and labelled with the time to take.

Our smart solutions are design not only for your self care but also for professional and or family or friend caregivers. Some of the most common other alternatives are:

Receive Text Medications Reminders from SprintScripts

A study of diabetes patients showed that patients that received text medication reminders had better medication adherence than those that did not receive a message. A text or SMS notification system is available to our customers in certain provinces. If you opt in we can send text notifications to your smart device notifying you that it is time to take your medication.

Taking multiple daily medications, or a combination of prescription medications and vitamins or supplements can be onerous. Pillboxes are very useful to help keep up with your medication routine. The ideal pillboxes are often sorted into seven days a week and often have three or four chambers for each day. We recommend that you load the entire week into the pillbox at one time. Once you have the pill boxes loaded double check that you have done it accurately.

These pillboxes also come in wallet form and are offered by our medical supplies partners, Halohealthcare.com.

Pill Reminder Wallet

Set an Medication Reminder Alarm

Our medication reminder solution is somewhat like setting an alarm. However; if you do not have a smart phone, you may prefer to use your home alarm clock. Try to take your medication at the same time every day. When your alarm goes off, take your medication as directed.

Combine it with a Daily Task

Having a mental trigger with a daily task is traditionally the most common medication reminder method. If you take your pills before or after breakfast, lunch, dinner and then before bedtime, you have combined your medication routine with your daily routine. You could use any trigger that works for you, such as with your morning coffee, afternoon tea, etc. This generally becomes habit and works very well. We do recommend combining this with a pillbox or other method.

It is important to know the side effects if you do not take your medication. Although some medications have a cumulative effect and you will not feel any immediate side effects, other medications such as for high blood pressure can result in significant side effects. Sometimes your own body can send you a notification of none adherence. You are less likely to miss a dose if you are educated about the side effects of missing a dose. We recommend our customers to know side effects of not taking their particular medication to talk to your Sprintscripts pharmacist.

Count your Pills Daily

Although time consuming, this is a tried and true method that has been used for many years. Keep a medication log and count your pills daily. You will know if you missed a dose if your medication count for the current day does not differ from the previous day, or does not differ enough for the number of times you were to take your pills on the day of the count.

Low Tech Medication Reminder Sticky Notes

If you take your medications three times a day, create three sticky notes and put them on your fridge or in your daytimer or calendar. Once you take your medication, remove the sticky note.

Missed medication doses can have very detrimental effects on you or your loved ones’ wellness and healthcare. Taking medications as prescribed can be particularly challenging to seniors aging in place. The smart dispensing solutions are particularly helpful to help our elders stay in their homes for longer periods of time and also to reduce the chance of hospital admittance due to non-compliance.

The pharmacists at Sprintscripts are aware of these compliance issues and are specially trained on new technologies and can consult on various reminders services both tried and true low tech and the more recent smart dispensing solutions.