Smart Medication Compliance Solutions

Sprintscripts prides itself on providing the most up to date medication management solutions available. We know our customers have busy lives, so we offer solutions that help manage not only prescription medications but vitamins and supplements as well.

Every patient has varying needs. Our solutions have different features and options. We are happy to consult with caregivers to find the best options for their patients and loved ones.

Traditional Medication Bottles

If your medication needs are met with standard medication bottles then your pills will be dispensed and labeled in a standard bottle.

Strip Pouch Medication Packaging

Strip pouch packaging is growing in popularity given it’s environmentally friendly, easy to grab and go, and allows vitamins and supplements to be included in the pack.

SMART Dispenser

This table or countertop solution is ideal for those with a complex medicine regiment and/or those striving to age in place. The device is truly “smart” and has a notification system both in home and to caregivers.  The SMART Dispenser is very popular with both patients and caregivers.

Traditional and Smart Blister Packs

Blister packs are a tried and true medication delivery system.  Blister packs presort the medications into convenient clearly marked individual doses and are simple to use and are very effective.

If the aid of automated reminders is needed for the caregiver, a smart blister pack can be prescribed.  Smart Blister packs are embedded with enhanced technology.

Birth Control Pill Solutions

Fortunately manufacturers of birth control pills have built in adherence management. That is, their pills are packaged with days of the week incorporated into the packaging.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Medication Dispensing

Most men prefer their ED medications to be dispensed in discreet strip packaging. These pouch packs easily fit in your wallet or pocket. Strip prescription packaging is available on request.