Strip Roll Medication Packaging

Strip roll dispensing of medication was once primarily used just in assisted living and or long term care homes. Essentially medications are sealed into small cellophane pouches. Today these handy pouches are highly popular throughout the general public.

Each easy to open pouch is clearly labelled with patient name, drug information, and date and time to take.  The patient can also opt to have vitamins and supplements included in the pouch (if space permits).

The benefits of strip roll medication packaging are:

  • more user friendly than bottles and capsules
  • more economical packaging
  • keeps the medication organized, separated and safe
  • better patient safety

These benefits have resulted in more people opted for strip roll medication packaging over bottles. They are very easy for busy people to manage. Just take your daily doses with you for the day.  In particular, men who generally just have a wallet on them appreciate that their medication can fit in their wallet or pocket.

Strip rolls have also become very popular with travelers. They are properly labelled for customs, and there is no need to take the whole bottle but rather the exact amount required for the period of travel. There is also various pouch containers that are available for transporting the pouches.